America History – Part 1

Colonial Period

  • Reason: In search of religion freedom and wealth, or be forced to enslaved, people from the world built colonies in North America.
  • Result:  British occupied the east, French in the middle, and Spanish in the south. Jamestown in Virginia in 1607 and Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1620 were two of the famous British settlements.

The Seven Years War

  • Reason: The British and French colonies did not like each other. The Seven Years War broke out in 1756.
  • Result: Treaty of Paris of 1763 was signed and the French gave up all its territories in mainland North America.

Colonial America after the Seven Years' War

American Revolutionary

  • Reason: Britsh made the colonies pay the price of the war by imposing the Stamp Act of Act and taxed on common goods like tea. Colonies were unhappy about the new act since no one represented them in parliament.  In 1773, Boston Tea Party to signal colonial rebellion.
  • Result: Revolutionary war started and Declaration of Independence was drafted in 1776. France supported the colonies because they dislike British. Treaty of Paris of 1783 set the boundaries between the United States and British Empire.Related image

The Manifest Destiny of the United States

  • Reason: Declaration of Independence was drafted 1776, signals the birth of the United States to be freed from the British.
  • Result: Constitution was created in 1787. Louisiana Territory was purchased in 1805. American won the War of 1812 against Great Britain. Florida Purchase of 1821. The Texas Annexation in 1845. Oregon Territory of 1846. Mexican Cession of 1848.



The Civil War

  • Reason: The southern states needed slaves for agriculture and plantation. When Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, he pledged the emancipation proclamation to keep slavery out of US territory. Seven southern states seceded and formed a new nation, the Confederate States.
  • Result: In 1865, the north won, and all the seceded states came back to the union.


























































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