Incentive Stock Options and Tax Implication

Incentive stock options grant you the right to purchase a certain number of shares of stock at an established price

There are two types of stock options

  1. Statutory stock options
    • incentive stock options (ISOs) – special, more favorable tax treatment when all the rules and holding periods are met because taxable transaction occurs by selling the stocks with a potential capital gain tax rate.
    • employee stock purchase plan
  2. Nonstatutory
    • nonqualified stock options (NQSOs) – report the price break as taxable compensation in the year of exercising the options at regular tax rate.

ISO – four possible categories





  1. No AMT adjustment if the option was exercised and sold in the same year.
  2. Ordinary gain should be reported in W-2.
  3. The ordinary gain in example 2 is limited at $1,000 because the stock price was lower on the day of sale.
  4. The actual gain = ordinary gain + capital gain


  • Grant date to sell date to determine “Ordinary Income”
  • Exercise date to sell date to determine “ST or LT Capital Income”
Posted in: Tax

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