Philosophy 101

Studies that had strong empirical elements came to be considered science; A way of thinking about questions came to be philosophy.

There are three branches of philosophical themes:

  1. metaphysics – the nature of reality
    • What is the nature of reality? Is it composed of matters and energy? If so, where are they from?
  2. epistemology –  the nature and scope of knowledge
    • Is the world really what I think it is?
  3. value theory – ethics and aesthetics
    • How should I live with others?
    • What is beauty or does beauty exist at all?

Logic, or philosophical reasoning, is the philosopher’s toolbox.

Philosophy is not about agreeing or disagreeing with an idea. The point is to understand an argument, and then subject your understanding to a critical evaluation. Only when you challenge your understanding of how some people view the world, can you decide for yourself if theirs is a view worth having.



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