Chinese Dynasties

  1. Xia Dynasty 2070 BC – 1600 BC
    • have flood protection
    • increased crop yields
  2. Shang Dynasty 1600 BC – 1046 BC
    • bronze weapons
    • use writing
    • have slaves
  3. Zhou Dynasty 1046 BC – 256 BC
    • aided by slaves
    • Taoism, Confucianism
    • Warring States Period with 7 Kingdoms
  4. Qin Dynasty 221 BC – 206 BC
    • Qin Shi Huang united 7 Kingdoms
    • executed scholars to erase the histories of the other kingdoms
    • Great Wall, canals, highways, and Qin’s tomb were built
  5. Han Dynasty 206 BC – 220 AD
    • 1st golden age
    • unified the nation after Qin Shi Huang’s death
    • silk road to the Roman Empire
  6. Six Dynasties 220 AD – 586 AD
  7. Sui Dynasty 581 AD – 618 AD
    • unified the northern and southern dynasties
    • brilliant period in artistic production
  8. Tang Dynasty 618 AD – 907 AD
    • 2nd Golden Age
    • scientific advancement and cultural refinement
    • merchants, artisans, and philosophers
    • persecute Buddhists and became more authoritarian
  9. Five Dynasties – 907 AD – 960 AD
  10. Song Dynasty 960 AD – 1279 AD
    • 3rd golden age
    • magnetic compass, gunpowder, mass printing
  11. Yuan Dynasty 1279 AD – 1368 AD
    • invaded by Genghis Khan
    • unified the silk road
  12. Ming Dynasty 1368 AD – 1644 AD
    • high point for art and literature
  13. Qing Dynasty 1644 AD – 1911 AD
    • began like a golden age but ended in a disaster
    • tea and the opium war with Great Britain

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