Evolution and Healing

Evolution and Healing—The New Science of Darwinian Medicine Survival of the fittest is not about how weak become strong over time. It is the fittest that survives. Evolution is not active; it is passive. Who would have thought that a developed brained is better than being muscular in nature million years ago? Who is to … Continue reading Evolution and Healing

The Selfish Gene

The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins. Genes control human the closer the genes, the more love they share investment in one's own genes - parents don't love their children, they merely try to protect their own genes that have passed down investment management - the mother stops breastfeeding her kids because she needs to allocate … Continue reading The Selfish Gene

Water Chemistry

The water molecule is composed of H2O. Under circumstances, the water molecule can be separated into hydroxide ion (H) and hydrogen ion (HO). When a liquid contains more H, it becomes acid. When a liquid contains more HO, it becomes alkaline. Water has a PH of 7.