Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman A kid did not score well in the first exam. The parent scolded the kid. The kid had a much better score in the second exam. The parent praised the kid. Then the kid had a worse score on the third try. Scores on exam always fluctuate, but … Continue reading Thinking, Fast and Slow

Traveler’s Dilemma

An airline loses two suitcases belonging to two different travelers. Both suitcases happen to be identical and contain identical antiques. An airline manager tasked to settle the claims of both travelers explains that the airline is liable for a maximum of $100 per suitcase—he is unable to find out directly the price of the antiques. … Continue reading Traveler’s Dilemma

Uncanny Valley

In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object's resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object. Still objects industrial robot 0% stuffed animal 30% corpse -30% prosthetic leg -5% Moving objects industrial robot 0% humanoid 40% zombie -70% healthy person 100% Theoretical basis … Continue reading Uncanny Valley

The Great Filter

Life steps: the dead chemistry that needs to assemble itself to support self-replicating, stability, resiliency, changing and evolving complex organism and use energy more efficiently multicellular beings with further complexity species with brain species now become the dominant force of our society and being able to change it according to needs Species always look out … Continue reading The Great Filter