Wireless charging

Wireless charging transfers energy to a device using electromagnetic induction, aka inductive coupling. Cons: 1. inefficiency as of today (50% of the energy is lost) thus to compensate this, government or companies need to have a higher electricity output. Phone can be wirelessly charged, but electronic cars may also be wirelessly charged on the road … Continue reading Wireless charging

GRE-3 Kaplan

His calm exterior _____ the militant fervor with which he threw himself into the campaign.  (belied) Inured to the intense work engendered by the deadlines they normally faced, the production managers felt somewhat _____ by the temporary hiatus in orders. (disorientated) During their famous clash, Jung was ambivalent about Freud, so he attacked the father … Continue reading GRE-3 Kaplan


For the urban researcher, the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative youthfulness of most present-day cities. The activists` prodigious activity on behalf of both woman suffrage and the temperance movement in the late nineteenth century belies the assertion that the two movements were … Continue reading GRE 2


TC-PP2 James Boswell`s Life of Samuel Johnson is generally thought to have established Boswell as the first great modern biographer; yet the claim of precedence could be made for Johnson himself as the author of a life of Richard Savage. Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational … Continue reading GRE

stocks 103

value stocks: relatively low price ratios (P/E ratio, price-to-sales ratio, price-to-book value ratio, lower-than-average growth rates, and price-to-earnings growth less than 1) income stocks: high dividend payout stocks growth stocks: performs best during bull markets; NIFTY 50; tech stocks cyclical stocks: higher price when the economy is good; hotel, car manufacturers, and airline stocks defensive … Continue reading stocks 103

Stock 102

Large Cap - $10 billion and over: less risky and more conservative so slower growth rate, also more dividend payout Mid Cap - between $2 billion and $10 billion: higher return than large cap but more risks. Small Cap - between $300 million and $2 billion: more much volatile and only the lucky ones will … Continue reading Stock 102


Annual percentage yield takes into account the frequency with which the interest is applied - the effects of intra-year compounding. 2.5% monthly fee; compound monthly 2.5% * 12 = 30% APR (1+2.5%)^12 -1 = 34.49% APY   APY is often higher than APR because of the compounding effect. Therefore, when borrowing money, the bank would … Continue reading APY

The Indexes

The Dow - The Dow Jones Industries Average is a price-weighted index. It includes 30 companies actively traded in NYSE. It started with purely an average index but now has used a Dow Divisor instead to counter stock splits. S&P 500 - Standard & Poor's 500 is a market capitalization weighted index, so stocks with … Continue reading The Indexes